International Day for Ear and Hearing was established on the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the First International Conference on the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Hearing Impairment, which was held in 2007 in Beijing, China. Since then, it has been annually celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world. Date - 3 March - was chosen not by chance, but because of the format of numbers (day / month): 3/3, which is similar to the shape of the person's ears.
In 2018 the International Day for Ear and Hearing will be held under the slogan " Hear the Future ... and prepare for it ". Currently, WHO considers one of the key aspects - limiting the growth in the number of people with hearing impairment through the necessary preventive measures. WHO promises to provide full support to the states of the organization in the development and implementation of national programs for medical and preventive care for people with ear and hearing problems.
Traditionally, on the International Day of Ear and Hearing Health, medical and volunteer organizations around the world are carrying out activities dedicated to informing the public about possible problems related to hearing and the prevention of hearing disorders.
The program "I hear the world!" organizes several events timed to the International Day for Ear and Hearing in Izhevsk, in cooperation with the local ANO Center "Slushariki". A training seminar for specialists and patients with CI will be held on the topic: "Complex rehabilitation of children with hearing disabilities in conditions of inclusion" in the capital of the Udmurt Republic, from 1 to 3 March, as well as a concert, organized with children with hearing impairment and showing the film " Let the world hear ".
1 марта 2018
International Day for Ear and Hearing
The 3rd March is the International Day for Ear and Hearing
The film immerses the viewer into the atmosphere of another life, countries and events. The viewer can look at the world in a new way and learn a little more about our habitual and uncharted opportunity to hear.
To date, hearing loss is considered the most common sensory form of disability in the world. According to the latest WHO statistics, more than 5% of the world's inhabitants - 360 million people - suffer from disabling hearing loss. Of these: 328 million - adults, 32 million - children under 18 years. Approximately every third person over the age of 65 suffers from a disabling hearing loss. In Russia, more than 15 million people are now living with hearing impairments, among them more than 1 million children.
According to medical experts, about half of all cases of deafness and other hearing disorders can be prevented by eliminating the causes of their development. The main of them are: genetic disorders, chronic ear infections, infectious diseases (rubella, measles, mumps, meningitis, etc.), exposure to drugs, environmental hazards and noise. How not to lose hearing>>