The hearing aid - is a device for amplifying speech and other sounds. It consists of a microphone, amplifier, signal converter, control elements and batteries.
Modern hearing aids
In most cases, people with hearing problems are assisted by hearing aids.
Depending on the technology used in CA, they are divided into several types: analog, programmable and digital.
At the location are allocated: pocket, behind-the-bones (most common), in-the-ear, spectacled frames and implantable СА.
With monoural hearing care, the patient wears CA only on one ear. At binauralnom-carries at once two - on the right and on the left ear.
In most cases, people are helped by SA. However, with large hearing loss, when a large part of the auditory receptors (hair cells) are damaged in a person, they do not always cope. In this situation, operation of cochlear implantation (CI) is recommended.